Rosengart's News

Keep in touch with the latest news of Rosengart in the Principality of Monaco and the French Riviera.

Monaco real estate 2022, a new billion reached
Monaco real estate 2022, a new billion reached
While the world economy is battling it out in, Monaco real estate market boasts new records.
Monaco real estate 2021, breaking new record
Monaco real estate 2021, breaking new record
Recovering from the pandemic, the Monaco real estate market is still performing.
Monaco real estate 2020, a high-performance market
Monaco real estate 2020, a high-performance market
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, the local property market has held its own.
Monaco real estate market 2019, a record year
Monaco real estate market 2019, a record year
2019 Monaco, the scene of a new historic record for the cumulative amount of transactions.
Monaco Lifestyle
Monaco Lifestyle
The first thing that strikes you about the Monegasque lifestyle is just how much is on offer in a co...